Maintaining Routines and Transitioning Back to School after Summer Break
With summer break winding down, it is now time to plan a transition back into a daily school routine. In this spotlight, we offer tips to assist caregivers with a smooth transition from the relaxing days of summer back into the rigor of an academic year. Here you will uncover everyday tips which focus on study habits, sleep schedules, and much more, to equip students of all ages and caregivers with various strategies to successfully navigate through this transition. After you read this table, consider ways to incorporate these tips into your two-way communication with families.
Tips | What Needs to Occur? |
Set Goals for Your Student | The transition from summer vacation to starting school means reorganizing daily habits and routines. This transition is more than scheduling and planning—it requires goal setting. A great step towards a seamless transition is to mentally prepare for mindset changes by setting goals for the new school year. This can include setting goals for completing morning routines, being on time to school, completing homework, or attending back-to-school events. |
Create a Positive Routine That Works | The end of summer vacation and the start of school allows for great opportunities to generate and practice daily routines. This can include morning routines that assist with going to school and afternoon routines that assist with completing academic tasks. |
Establish Consistent Sleep Schedules | Gradually adjust sleep schedules and times to wake up prepared for the first day of school. This assists with aligning students’ internal clocks with school routines and promotes attentiveness during school. |
Manage Screen Time Year-Round | Establish time limits for screen time and explain how screen time use is different during the school year so students are prepared for less screen time once summer ends. Consider routines where students complete homework and academic tasks first prior to earning screen time. Obtaining a balance of screen time for fun and academics is essential to student success. |
Plan Ahead and Remain Organized | The end of summer means that it is time to transition from flexibility and relaxation to more structured days. Ensure the family calendar includes back-to-school events and review it with family members at least weekly. Consider making a schedule for the family’s daily routines to reference during bedtime and morning routines. |
Reintroduce Your Student To Positive Study Habits | Create an environment that facilitates studying and homework completion. This includes establishing an after-school routine and helping students determine which tasks to complete first. |
Continue Eating Well | Consuming nutritious meals fuels the body and brain for academic success. Provide well-balanced meals to ensure students can maintain focus and energy levels throughout the day. Make sure students eat breakfast either at home or at school each day. |
Incorporate Regular Exercise | Incorporating regular physical activity benefits mental and physical well-being. Combine regular exercise into daily routines to assist with the reduction of stress while also boosting moods. |
FLEX College Resource Centers. 2022. FLEX college prep. Tips for a smooth transition from summer break to school routine. https://flexcollegeprep.com/tips-for-a-smooth-transition-from-summer-break-to-school-routine/
Tennessee Department of Education. 2024. Family and community engagement. https://www.tn.gov/education/families/family-community-engagement.html