DCAT — The First Steps Toward Alignment
When districts consider how they might begin to align RTI2-A and RTI2-B, it may seem overwhelming to think about where to start. We are often asked, “What’s the first step?” A natural first step for districts is to assess the current alignment between their frameworks’ shared features, or essential components.
Tennessee Tiered Supports Center has a tool District Leadership Teams can use to take that first step toward alignment — the District Capacity Assessment Tool (DCAT). The DCAT is a self-evaluation tool that districts can use to examine the infrastructure needed to support schools’ implementation of both frameworks, or RTI2-A + RTI2-B. It promotes reflection on barriers to effective and efficient implementation, and it supports action planning to address identified barriers.
The assessment is a free resource that includes 41 items on the alignment of these essential components: Leadership, Data-Based Decision Making, Instruction and Intervention, and Assessment (click the hyperlinks to learn more about each component). To complete the assessment, District Leadership Teams use a scoring rubric and assign a rating of 0-5 for each item. To review the DCAT, click here for the free downloadable resource.
After completing the DCAT, District Leadership Teams can use the assessment results to identify areas of strength and areas for growth. Teams can then develop goals and action steps to improve their alignment and implementation of RTI2-A and RTi2-B.
Tennessee TSC offers technical assistance and partnership to support continuous improvement of RTI2-A + RTI2-B. To learn more about learning and partnership opportunities, click here to complete a Tennessee Technical Assistance Network Requests for Assistance Form.