Implementor Spotlight: Lake County
Reviewing data to inform decisions is an essential component of the RTI2-A + RTI2-B. With the coaching and support of Tennessee TSC Educational Consultants, Lake County RTI2-A + RTI2-B District Coordinator, Suzanne Keefe Atchison, shared Fall and Winter screening data for reading, math, and behavior with the RTI2-A + RTI2-B District Leadership Team (DLT). She presented several charts that showed a reduction in the number of students who were identified as at moderate risk for math and reading difficulties from Fall 2022 to Winter 2022. Through coaching and training with Tennessee TSC, she also shared a summary of the percentage of students successful with Tier I reading, math, and behavior support based on Winter screening results.
This led to a lively discussion about the impact of student behavior on student academic performance. At the end of the discussion, the District Leadership Team developed an action plan for how the District Leadership Team would work with schools to further increase their students’ academic performance by 7% and ensure teachers continued use of high-quality instructional materials.